
He's Just Not That Into You

He's Just Not That Into You, originally uploaded by JohnAgustin.

Sometimes we have those moments when we reach elevated thought and we think everything were saying is somehow life changing or amazing. BUT we honestly don't have much to say, its our 50 cents because thats what it is, just 50 cents, not a hundred dollars, not a million dollar idea, no, nothing special. its just another thought of idea by some other shmuck who thought hey, look at this: its called - im the exception not the rule. its called - she's out there waiting for me. its called the pathetically hopeless romantic notion that if you just wait, the right time, the right person will come along and you'll find love. heh. the idea that when i'm 40 and i talk to my kids about how i met there mother, it's going to be a incredibly cute story full of twists and turns, wit and smarts. its going to have that life changing moment, that moment that you know changed everything, when you looked up and went, dam - life is awesome. yea, the idea is probably short lived and over thought of, but hey, i still think its going to happen. because

i'm the exception, not the rule, i'm going to make it rain, i know its not going to work, but it just HAS too.


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